If you are emailing a press release, copy and paste your headline into the subject line of the email. Headlines should be bold, brief and eye-catching. A great headline promises the reader that it is worth their time to keep reading. Think of your headline as your first impression. Stick to one A4 page or approximately 400 words if it is in the body of an email. Keep it short and sweetĪ good press release demonstrates word economy so make sure you don’t waffle. Now, I wouldn’t want you to go away without completely understanding how to correctly format a press release so here are a few tips to kick start your inner pr officer: 1. You can download my preferred book press release template here: The other half is getting it in front of the right people: Click here to open our recommended press release distributor in a new window. If you get the format right, you are halfway there.
Format is crucial and is not to be underestimated. Let’s talk about the format of your press release. With the right mindset and an understanding of industry conventions, you can write a magnetic press release that is too good to pass up. As an Amazon Affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.Ī book press release is an important part of your book marketing effort, you know it, I know it, the guy next door knows it. This article may contain affiliate links and we may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you.